Bible college

The Mission Die Theological Seminary “MDTS”

Raising Approved Ministers of God.

Is the Lord calling you into ministry? Do you want to be effective and successful as a man of God? Are you confused about what the Lord is telling you to do?

We are here to help.

The Mission Die Theological Seminary is receiving applications from prospective students, to train, build up, nurture, edify and raise them into approved Ministers for the work of the Gospel.

It is a church based Bible school and it’s associated with AABS, The Africa Association of Bible Schools and we run certificate and diploma courses in the following:





    among others.

It is not only for full-time ministers. it’s also for part-time and lay pastors as well. The intention is to build not just the pastor but the whole church team or workforce such as the deacons, the elders, the church workers.

Hence you shouldn’t only be called to attend Mission Die. Do you want to know more about God? Do you want to help with your church work? Mission Die is calling you and you are most welcome.

Mission Die, where the unqualified, unapproved becomes qualified and approved ready for the master’s use.